akikoba is an artist based in Tokyo.
She uses bright colours and bold brush strokes to draw images of herself, a woman with a bobbed hair, animals, plants, imaginary creatures, and food. “I want to deliver works that are lively, fun, and full of energy.” This is on answer to the question “Why do I create artworks?” as akikoba engages in dialogue with herself.
Since 2010, She has been working as an artist, holding solo exhibitions and participating in group exhibitions in Tokyo, Yokohama, and other places. Also, with a desire to exhibit her works to overseas, she has held solo exhibitions in Taiwan since 2015. So far, she has provided works for book covers, website illustrations, shop cards, etc. She also produces zines as an individual activity.
For akikoba, artworks are doors to the world. Artworks enables us to communicate our feelings and laugh together. Her dream is to connect with people all over Japan and the world through her artworks. she hopes to hold exhibitions in various locations and have many collaborations in the future.
See Full CV
CV in English / CV in Japanese
あきこば akikoba
1985 東京出身 Born in Tokyo
2005-2007 キングストン大学(英国)ファイン・アートコース Fine Art course at Kingston University, London
東京在住 Lives and works in Tokyo
主な個展 Selected Solo Shows
2024 The Sweetest Moment、日用品とお菓子のお店 sofar – ソファ -、東京 Tokyo
2024 慢慢來 ゆっくりいこう、小花徑 floretpath、宜蘭 台湾 Yilan Taiwan
2023 My favorite sofar!、日用品とお菓子のお店 sofar – ソファ -、東京 Tokyo
2022 オリジナルカレンダー「おいしい空想」原画展、LIGHT UP LOBBY、東京 Tokyo
2022 空のスープ原画展、LIGHT UP LOBBY、東京 Tokyo
2017 Pieces of Tales、小南風 minami zephyr、台北 Taipei
2016 Southern Breezes,、小南風minami zephyr、台北 Taipei
2015 In My Garden、 小南風 minami zephyr、台北 Taipe
2014 行雲流水, art Truth、横浜 Yokohama
2014 New Life、LAUNCH PAD Cafe & Gallery、横浜 Yokohama
2013 Disguise、LAUNCH PAD Cafe & Gallery、横浜 Yokohama
2012 Akiko Kobayakawa Solo Exhiobition、art Truth、横浜 Yokohama
2012 Juicy Fruits、LAUNCH PAD Cafe & Gallery、横浜 Yokohama
2011 Animal’s Life!、art Truth、横浜 Yokohama
2011 Girls Collection、LAUNCH PAD Cafe & Gallery、横浜 Yokohama
主なグループ展 Selected Group Shows
2024 紀陽銀行presents UNKNOWN ASIA 2024、大阪 Osaka
2022 Room#5、MOUNT tokyo、東京 Tokyo
2022 おいしいもの展、Janus Creation、東京 Tokyo
2022 国立植物園2022、ギャラリー国立、東京 Tokyo
2015 Whole Art Catalog、Gallery Face to Face、東京 Tokyo
2013 Tokyo Independents、EARTH + GALLERY、東京 Tokyo
2013 3331 Chiyoda Art Festival 2013、Arts Chiyoda 3331、東京 Tokyo
2012 Open Studio “BirthDay”、 Install no Tochu da Studio Building、東京 Tokyo
2012 Zokyu-do Small Pieces Exhibition、蔵丘洞画廊、京都 Kyoto
2011 Heart Beats of Animals、Gallery A Bientot、東京 Tokyo
2011 Ecoan’s Summer Festa、ギャラリー枝香庵、東京 Tokyo
2011 Wonderful Zoo!、 art Truth、横浜 Yokohama
2010 Tracking 100 Artists、Ecoan & NICHE GALLERY、東京 Tokyo
2007 Lollipop Man Blues、Nolia’s Gallery、ロンドン London
2006 Kingston University’s 1 & 2nd years Group Exhibition、
Nolia’s Gallery、ロンドン London